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P1010 updated 4/5/2015

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P1010 updated 4/5/2015
Although we have attained our objective in building the memorial we still have many years of maintenace to fund so we would be grateful for any donations to contribute to future costs. Please send your cheque, made payable to Trooper Potts VC Trust, to:-
Richard Bennett
Trooper Potts V.C. Memorial Trust
69, Baker Street
Reading. RG1 7XY.
Tel 0118-9598 350
To enable Gift Aid to be recovered please complete the Gift Aid form, which can be accessed by clicking HERE or on the left, and send it with your contribution.

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Although we have attained our objective in building the memorial we still have many years of maintenace to fund so we would be grateful for any donations to contribute to future costs. Please send your cheque, made payable to Trooper Potts VC Trust, to:-
Trooper Potts V.C. Memorial Trust
69, Baker Street
Reading. RG1 7XY.
Tel 0118-9598 350
To enable Gift Aid to be recovered please complete the Gift Aid form, which can be accessed by clicking HERE or on the left, and send it with your contribution.

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