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P1030 updated 1/2/2017

The Potts Story
The Project
Make a Donation
The Memorial
The Berkshire Yeomanry
The Victoria Cross
The Great War
Our Supporters and Sponsors
The Project
Why donate?
Public Benefits
Future Events
Contact us
P1030 updated 1/2/2017
About Us
We are a registered charity (no 1147047 ) set up in 2010 to raise money to finance a memorial to Frederick Potts VC and the men of the Berkshire Yeomanry who gave their lives in wars of the 20th Century
Our aim was fulfilled when we unveiled the memorial on 4th October 2015.
Our formal address is :
However our informal contacts are:-
Our Chairman

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We are a registered charity (no 1147047 ) set up in 2010 to raise money to finance a memorial to Frederick Potts VC and the men of the Berkshire Yeomanry who gave their lives in wars of the 20th Century
Our aim was fulfilled when we unveiled the memorial on 4th October 2015.
Our formal address is :
The Trooper Potts VC Trust
c/o 69 Baker St
Reading RG1 7XY
However our informal contacts are:-
Our Chairman
Richard Bennett
69 Baker St
Reading RG1 7XY
Tel 0118-959-8350
e-mail: bennettbaker@msn.com
Penny Kemp
66 Northcourt Avenue
e-mail: docick@hotmail.com
Chris Andrews
378 Wokingham Rd
Berks RG6 7HX
e-mal:- chris.andrews@talktalk.net
John Chapman
5 Cecil Aldin Drive
Berks RG31 6YP
Tel 0118-942-6999
e-mail: john.chapman458@gmail.com

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