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P1050 updated 8/8/2018
The Trooper Potts Memorial Appeal was governed by a main Steering committee chaired by Richard Bennett and two working parties, Finance and Fund Raising chaired by Richard Bennett and Design and Implementation chaired by John Chapman.
The members of the committee were:-
Anne Ames (granddaughter of Fred Potts) * #
Chris Andrews (grandson of Trooper Andrews)*
Michael Aris (Brigadier and Deputy Lord Lieutenant) *
Richard Bennett (Reading Civic Society) *
John Chapman (Military Historian and former Chairman of West Berkshire Council #
Dr Richard Duckett (Lecturer in History and International Relations at Reading College)
Andrew French (Curator of Berkshire Yeomanry Museum) #
Alan Overton (Military Historian) #
Fred Pugh (former Mayor of Reading) *
Brenda Tait (treasurer) *
Tony Verey (Brigadier and Berkshire Yeomanry)
* Members of the Finance and Fundraising working party
# Members of the Design and Implementation Working Party
The Members of the continuing Trust committee from 2016 are
Anne Ames (granddaughter of Fred Potts)
Chris Andrews (grandson of Trooper Andrews)
Michael Aris (Brigadier and Deputy Lord Lieutenant)
Richard Bennett (Reading Civic Society)
John Chapman (Military Historian and former Chairman of West Berkshire Council
Dr Richard Duckett (Lecturer in History and International Relations at Reading College)
Andrew French (Assistant Curator of Berkshire Yeomanry Museum)
Penny Kemp (treasurer)
Tony Verey (Brigadier and Curator of Berkshire Yeomanry Museum )
Our Patrons are:-
The Hon Mrs Bayliss CVO JP(former Lord Lieutenant of Berkshire)
Chris Tarrant OBE
Michael Naxton (curator of Lord Ashworth's VC collection)
Our Major Sponsors were
Haslams Estate Agents - A long established Reading Company
Tel 0118-960-1000
Our supporters are
Reading Borough Council
We acknowledge with especial thanks the support given by both officers and Councillors of Reading Borough Council and their commitment to future support now the project is completed.
Daniel Owen Ltd.
tel 0118 952 1000; e-mail reading.office@workmates.co.uk
Network Rail
Our key partners include
Hilton Hotel Reading
BBC Radio Berkshire
IWM WW1 Centenary Project
Reading College
Sue Roberts Associates
Our Printers
Printing by ESP Colour Ltd
Bringing together Print, Design and Website services with outstanding results
visit the ESP Website www.espcolour.co.uk
Our Architects
Robert Rigby Architects
Our major grant supporters are:-
The Earley Charity
The Greenham Common Trust
The Berkshire Masonic Charity
The Gallipoli Association
Reading Borough Council
The Englefield Trust
The Stevenson Trust
Among our other supporters are:
Richard Benyon (MP for Newbury)
Jon Cooksey (Military Historian and Editor of Stand To)
Sir John Madejski and the team at Madejski Stadium
Graham McKechnie (BBC Broadcaster)
Martin Salter (former MP for Reading West)
Alok Sharma (MP for Reading West)
Rob Wilson (MP for Reading East)
Sir Phillip Wroughton (former Lord Lieutenant of Berkshire)

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