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P4810 25/2/2015 .

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The Berkshire Yeomanry
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P4810 25/2/2015 .
Information about Pott's comrades
The local papers included many biographical notes and extracts from letters about other men from the Berkshire Yeomanry who were involved in the fighting. This section is arranged by the initial letter of the man's surname, so click on one of the links below:-
| A-D | E-G | H-L | M-P | Q-T | U-Z |
The text of the items reported in the papers have been reproduced as accurately as possible as regards to text but punctuation and layout has not necessarily been preserved. Where a photograph of the man has been published the word 'photo' precedes the caption that is printed. Where a report on one man makes reference to another man a cross reference is provided.

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The local papers included many biographical notes and extracts from letters about other men from the Berkshire Yeomanry who were involved in the fighting. This section is arranged by the initial letter of the man's surname, so click on one of the links below:-
| A-D | E-G | H-L | M-P | Q-T | U-Z |
The text of the items reported in the papers have been reproduced as accurately as possible as regards to text but punctuation and layout has not necessarily been preserved. Where a photograph of the man has been published the word 'photo' precedes the caption that is printed. Where a report on one man makes reference to another man a cross reference is provided.

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