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P6042 updated 22/3/2015

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P6042 updated 22/3/2015
WW1 - serving with Berkshire Yeomanry
LCpl JS Ager - 1952 D Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Died at Home on 21/04/1919
2Lt TE Ainger - Bde Sig Tp Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte J Allen - 1830 D Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
LCpl CGP Andrews - 1976 A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte EL Andrews - 70821 1/1st Berks Yeo Died at Sea at Mediterranean on 27/05/1918
Pte ARJ Appleton - 15187 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Palestine on 29/11/1917
Pte HD Ashman - 1993 A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte RJ Ayres - 2281 B Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Sgt WE Baldwin - 1519 A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte HH Barford - 1996 A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Sgt WTH Barry - 70016 A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Died of Wounds at Palestine on 19/04/1917
Sgt H Batten - 70260 A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Palestine on 29/11/1917
Pte JA Bawden - 2592 17th Bde MG Coy Killed in Action at Egypt on 27/11/1917
Pte E Beckett - 1849 17th Bde MG Coy Died at Egypt on 17/10/1918
Pte TW Bell - 1616 B Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Died of Wounds at Egypt on 13/12/1915
LSgt RJ Bellamy - 70400 D Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Died of Wounds at Egypt on 21/04/1917
Pte AC Bennett - 70612 8th Coy ICC Killed in Action at Egypt on 27/03/1918
Pte JE Berry - 1794 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Lt PH Berry - RAMC 1/1st Berks Yeo Drowned at Egypt on 10/03/1916
Lt RFN Bertie - A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Palestine on 20/11/1917
Pte HB Biddis - 1688 A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Sgt P Bishop DCM - 70261 1/1st Berks Yeo Died of Wounds at Egypt on 15/11/1917
Pte A Blane - 1647 A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Died of Wounds at Egypt on 24/09/1915
LCpl CV Bowra - 2682 1/1st Berks Yeo Died at Home at on 01/11/1915
Pte P Bowyer - 1743 A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte RE Brown - 2088 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Egypt on 11/12/1915
Pte J Budd - 1712 A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
LCpl EE Bunce - 70098 1/1st Berks Yeo Died of Wounds at Egypt on 18/11/1917
Cpl C Butler - 1606 B Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte WR Butler - 2967 101 Bn MGC Killed in Action at France & Flanders on 23/10/1918
Pte E Carvey - 1948 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Egypt on 11/12/1915
Cpl AC Chambers DCM & Bar - 2041 17th Bde MG Coy Killed in Action at Egypt on 21/11/1917
Cpl HD Champion MiD - 1569 A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte H Chapman - 70431 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Palestine on 27/11/1917
Pte HW Chislett - 70064 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Palestine on 15/11/1917
Cpl H Chisman - 2005 D Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
LCpl WT Clare - 1413 D Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte FO Clifford - 1727 B Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte SE Clifford - 2908 3/1st Berks Yeo Died at Home on 24/12/1915
Pte NW Coe - 2067 D Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Died of Wounds at Gallipoli on 10/12/1915
Pte GW Colebrook - 1959 B Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte WC Collins - 1083 A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Died in Turkey as PoW at Gallipoli on 25/09/1916
Pte G Conboy - 2651 101 Bn MGC Died of Wounds at France & Flanders on 10/03/1918
Pte CHP Courtney - 14867 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Palestine on 21/11/1917
WO2 (SSM) WC Cox - 953 B Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Eygpt on 11/12/1915
Sgt HJ Cripps - 1237 17th Bde MG Coy Died at Palestine on 27/10/1918
Pte J Crook - 71462 1/1st Berks Yeo Died at Home at on 28/03/1917
Pte LJ Cross - 70751 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Palestine on 27/11/1917
Pte R Dandridge - 2009 D Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Cpl RL Davenport - 1739 A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte AW Dore - 70613 1/1st Berks Yeo Died of Wounds at Palestine on 06/05/1917
Pte FR Dray - 2838 17th Bde MG Coy Killed in Action at Palestine on 21/11/1917
Pte V Durrant - 1980 A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte HN Eady - 2106 D Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte AH Edwards - 2742 101 Bn MGC Killed in Action at France & Flanders on 01/12/2017
Pte W Eldridge - 2747 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Palestine on 19/04/1917
Cpl AJ Else - 1484 A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Died after discharge at Gallipoli on 31/01/1918
LCpl FG Embling - 1607 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Palestine on 15/11/1917
LCpl PC Emery - 1566 B Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Died of Wounds at Gallipoli on 26/10/1915
Pte R Evershed - 2379 B Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte SH Ewins - 2612 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Palestine on 27/11/1917
Cpl EA Excell - 2574 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Palestine on 27/11/1917
Pte ET Excell - 2575 101 Bn MGC Killed in Action at France & Flanders on 30/08/1918
Pte E Farrell - 27256 2/1st Berks Yeo Died at Ireland on 15/09/1918
Cpl J Fielder - 1992 A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
LCpl FC Flux - 2678 17th Bde MG Coy Died of Wounds at Palestine on 14/11/1917
Pte FH Ford - 1970 A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte JE Francis - 1926 B Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte A Freeman - 1682 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte FW Fullbrook - 70132 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Palestine on 27/11/1917
Cpl F Gale - 1876 A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Palestine on 20/11/1917
Pte F George - 2862 1/1st Berks Yeo Died at Palestine on 28/05/1917
Pte EO Gerber - 70739 B Sqn 1/1st Berks Yeo Died of Wounds at Palestine on 28/11/1917
Pte G Gillett - 2058 B Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
LCpl OG Goddard - 1669 D Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte FW Goldswain - 2968 C Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Palestine on 21/11/1917
Major ES Gooch MiD - A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Died of Wounds at Gallipoli on 21/09/1915
LCpl AH Gosling - 1805 D Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 22/08/1915
Pte MG Green - 1991 D Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Egypt on 11/12/1915
Pte JH Habgood - 2012 D Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte CFC Harnack - 1648 101 Bn MGC Died of Wounds at France & Flanders on 30/08/1918
Pte FJ Harper - 2351 2/1st Berks Yeo Died at Home on
Pte JE Harper - 2044 B Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Sgt RR Harris - 1241 D Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte FW Hatch - 14284 1/1st Berks Yeo Died at Egypt on 29/05/1918
Sgt HW Hawes - 2876 1/1st Berks Yeo Died at Home at on 01/04/1905
Sgt LM Hawes - 949 A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Died of Wounds at Gallipoli on 25/08/1915
Pte EF Hayward - 2145 1/1st Berks Yeo Died at Egypt on 13/07/1915
Capt AH Headington - A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Palestine on 27/11/1917
2Lt RT Hewer - A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Palestine on 21/11/1917
Pte J Hewett - 2310 17th Bde MG Coy Died at Egypt on 22/10/1918
Sgt WJ Hickman - 332 D Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Died at Home on 20/08/1914
Pte HH Hiley - 1967 A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte HJ Hodges - 50109 att 9th Coy ICC 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Palestine on 01/05/1918
Sgt WJ Horne - 1176 B Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte GW How - 2053 D Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
LSgt AE Illman - 1787 A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Egypt on 11/12/1915
Pte HR James - 2052 B Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte HRH Jarman - 1726 B Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Died of Wounds at Gallipoli on 29/08/1915
LCpl HG Jefferies - 1681 A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Sgt JTP Jenkins - 1591 D Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte HH Jones - 1672 D Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Palestine on 24/08/1917
Pte FJ Josey - 1846 D Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Egypt on 11/12/1915
Pte GH Knowles - 2064 D Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte DW Leaver - 70781 1/1st Berks Yeo Died of Wounds at Palestine on 25/11/1917
Pte RJ Legg - 3170 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Palestine on 27/11/1917
RSM TJ Leicester - 70898 2/1st Berks Yeo Died at Home at Ireland on 31/03/1918
Pte GP Lewis - 2020 B Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
WO2 (SSM) J Liddle MiD Croix de Guerre - 70003 R.H.Q. 1/1st Berks Yeo Drowned at Egypt on 30/12/1917
Pte RN Lovegrove - 1673 D Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
LCpl CJD Martin - 2323 1/1st Berks Yeo Died of Wounds at Palestine on 01/05/1917
Pte F Martin - 2075 1/1st Berks Yeo Died of Wounds at Gallipoli on 25/08/1915
Pte FJ Martin - 2086 A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte JA Martin - 2878 17th Bde MG Coy Died at Palestine on 17/08/1918
Pte MJ Martin - 1839 D Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte WJB Martin - 1826 A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Egypt on 11/12/1915
Pte CW Matthews - 1663 B Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte SB Matthews - 70703 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Palestine on 28/11/1917
Pte N McDonald - 2335 B Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 14/09/1915
LCpl W McNeil - 2292 B Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte BJ Milham - 70757 1/1st Berks Yeo Died of Wounds at Palestine on 23/04/1917
Pte TCR Millar - 2070 2nd Coy ICC Died of Wounds at Palestine on 31/03/1918
Pte A Miller - 1799 101 Bn MGC Killed in Action at France & Flanders on 29/08/1918
Cpl J Moore - 1594 D Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
LSgt G Murley - 1654 B Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Died at Home on 05/11/1918
Sgt Farrier C Newall - 4446 1/1st Berks Yeo Died of Wounds at Palestine on 28/11/1917
LCpl JV Nicholson - 18094 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Palestine on 27/11/1917
Lt WEG Niven - B Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte FJ North - 2074 D Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Egypt on 11/12/1915
Sgt WF Oakey - 1234 D Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Died of Wounds at Gallipoli on 08/09/1915
Pte JW Odell - 1802 B Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Died of Disease at Egypt on 03/02/1916
Pte J Painter - 70691 Att 8th Coy ICC Died in Egypt at Palestine on 19/11/1917
Sgt F Palmer - 1274 B Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte FW Parker - 1780 D Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Died of Wounds at Gallipoli on 20/11/1915
Pte HW Parker - 1694 B Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte A Parsonage - 2212 A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte AW Partlett - 71258 101 Bn MGC Died of Wounds at France & Flanders on 08/06/1918
Pte AF Pearce - 2025 D Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte TH Pilcher - 1646 D Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Lt Col AM Pirie DSO - RHQ, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Palestine on 21/11/1917
Pte AH Price - 2166 A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Egypt on 11/12/1915
Pte J Proctor - 1825 A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Cpl RG Quelch - 1720 D Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Egypt on 11/12/1915
Pte WH Read - 1829 B Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
LCpl G Rennison - 29 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 22/08/1915
Pte AW Roberts - 71469 2/1st Berks Yeo Unknown at UK on 21/11/1918
Pte W Round - 70845 1/1st Berks Yeo Died of Wounds at Palestine on 08/12/1917
Sgt J Sammons - 70161 B Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Palestine on 29/11/1917
Sgt J Scouse - 70141 2/1st Berks Yeo Died at Home at Ireland on 11/10/1918
LSgt J Sell - 517 D Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Egypt on 11/12/1915
LSgt F Sherval - 70213 1/1st Berks Yeo Died of Disease at Home on 18/04/1918
Pte AJ Shipley - 70731 1/1st Berks Yeo Died of Wounds at Palestine on 01/12/1917
Pte R Shutler - 2194 B Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte RT Smith - 70706 Bde Sig Tp Killed in Action at Palestine on 29/11/1915
Pte T Stead - 15422 Berks Yeo died at Egypt on 27/05/1918
LCpl WE Sturgess - 809 B Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Died of Wounds at Gallipoli on 24/09/1915
2Lt WVR Sutton - A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Palestine on 13/11/1917
Pte G Swain - 70783 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Palestine on 19/11/1915
WJ Talbot - 1945 17th Bde MG Coy not known at Egypt on 22/11/1918
Capt WH Thomas MC & Bar - D Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Died of Wounds at Palestine on 28/11/1917
Pte HA Thorpe - 1775 A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Sgt H Waller - 1478 A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte WH Warden - 152923 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Palestine on 27/11/1917
Pte FB Webber - 2039 A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Died of Disease at Gallipoli on 20/09/1915
Pte HF Wescott - 2964 17th Bde MG Coy Died at Mesopotamia on 14/11/1918
Pte PJ Wheeler - 1770 A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Died of Wounds at Gallipoli on 19/08/1915
Pte HA Whitehead - 1834 D Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Palestine on 29/11/1917
Pte RW Willis - 3054 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Palestine on 27/11/1917
Pte TH Wilson - 2660 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Palestine on 29/11/1917
Sgt LC Winter - 1931 D Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
LCpl B Wiseman - 2349 D Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Cpl FT Woodcock - 1062 B Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte WJ Woodland - 70678 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Palestine on 27/11/1917
Pte GN Wooldridge - 2496 A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte J Workman - 95046 1/1st Berks Yeo Died at Egypt on 06/05/1918
PMN Wroughton - D Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Palestine on 19/04/1917

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LCpl JS Ager - 1952 D Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Died at Home on 21/04/1919
2Lt TE Ainger - Bde Sig Tp Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte J Allen - 1830 D Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
LCpl CGP Andrews - 1976 A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte EL Andrews - 70821 1/1st Berks Yeo Died at Sea at Mediterranean on 27/05/1918
Pte ARJ Appleton - 15187 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Palestine on 29/11/1917
Pte HD Ashman - 1993 A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte RJ Ayres - 2281 B Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Sgt WE Baldwin - 1519 A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte HH Barford - 1996 A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Sgt WTH Barry - 70016 A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Died of Wounds at Palestine on 19/04/1917
Sgt H Batten - 70260 A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Palestine on 29/11/1917
Pte JA Bawden - 2592 17th Bde MG Coy Killed in Action at Egypt on 27/11/1917
Pte E Beckett - 1849 17th Bde MG Coy Died at Egypt on 17/10/1918
Pte TW Bell - 1616 B Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Died of Wounds at Egypt on 13/12/1915
LSgt RJ Bellamy - 70400 D Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Died of Wounds at Egypt on 21/04/1917
Pte AC Bennett - 70612 8th Coy ICC Killed in Action at Egypt on 27/03/1918
Pte JE Berry - 1794 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Lt PH Berry - RAMC 1/1st Berks Yeo Drowned at Egypt on 10/03/1916
Lt RFN Bertie - A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Palestine on 20/11/1917
Pte HB Biddis - 1688 A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Sgt P Bishop DCM - 70261 1/1st Berks Yeo Died of Wounds at Egypt on 15/11/1917
Pte A Blane - 1647 A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Died of Wounds at Egypt on 24/09/1915
LCpl CV Bowra - 2682 1/1st Berks Yeo Died at Home at on 01/11/1915
Pte P Bowyer - 1743 A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte RE Brown - 2088 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Egypt on 11/12/1915
Pte J Budd - 1712 A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
LCpl EE Bunce - 70098 1/1st Berks Yeo Died of Wounds at Egypt on 18/11/1917
Cpl C Butler - 1606 B Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte WR Butler - 2967 101 Bn MGC Killed in Action at France & Flanders on 23/10/1918
Pte E Carvey - 1948 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Egypt on 11/12/1915
Cpl AC Chambers DCM & Bar - 2041 17th Bde MG Coy Killed in Action at Egypt on 21/11/1917
Cpl HD Champion MiD - 1569 A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte H Chapman - 70431 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Palestine on 27/11/1917
Pte HW Chislett - 70064 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Palestine on 15/11/1917
Cpl H Chisman - 2005 D Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
LCpl WT Clare - 1413 D Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte FO Clifford - 1727 B Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte SE Clifford - 2908 3/1st Berks Yeo Died at Home on 24/12/1915
Pte NW Coe - 2067 D Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Died of Wounds at Gallipoli on 10/12/1915
Pte GW Colebrook - 1959 B Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte WC Collins - 1083 A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Died in Turkey as PoW at Gallipoli on 25/09/1916
Pte G Conboy - 2651 101 Bn MGC Died of Wounds at France & Flanders on 10/03/1918
Pte CHP Courtney - 14867 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Palestine on 21/11/1917
WO2 (SSM) WC Cox - 953 B Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Eygpt on 11/12/1915
Sgt HJ Cripps - 1237 17th Bde MG Coy Died at Palestine on 27/10/1918
Pte J Crook - 71462 1/1st Berks Yeo Died at Home at on 28/03/1917
Pte LJ Cross - 70751 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Palestine on 27/11/1917
Pte R Dandridge - 2009 D Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Cpl RL Davenport - 1739 A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte AW Dore - 70613 1/1st Berks Yeo Died of Wounds at Palestine on 06/05/1917
Pte FR Dray - 2838 17th Bde MG Coy Killed in Action at Palestine on 21/11/1917
Pte V Durrant - 1980 A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte HN Eady - 2106 D Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte AH Edwards - 2742 101 Bn MGC Killed in Action at France & Flanders on 01/12/2017
Pte W Eldridge - 2747 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Palestine on 19/04/1917
Cpl AJ Else - 1484 A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Died after discharge at Gallipoli on 31/01/1918
LCpl FG Embling - 1607 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Palestine on 15/11/1917
LCpl PC Emery - 1566 B Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Died of Wounds at Gallipoli on 26/10/1915
Pte R Evershed - 2379 B Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte SH Ewins - 2612 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Palestine on 27/11/1917
Cpl EA Excell - 2574 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Palestine on 27/11/1917
Pte ET Excell - 2575 101 Bn MGC Killed in Action at France & Flanders on 30/08/1918
Pte E Farrell - 27256 2/1st Berks Yeo Died at Ireland on 15/09/1918
Cpl J Fielder - 1992 A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
LCpl FC Flux - 2678 17th Bde MG Coy Died of Wounds at Palestine on 14/11/1917
Pte FH Ford - 1970 A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte JE Francis - 1926 B Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte A Freeman - 1682 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte FW Fullbrook - 70132 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Palestine on 27/11/1917
Cpl F Gale - 1876 A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Palestine on 20/11/1917
Pte F George - 2862 1/1st Berks Yeo Died at Palestine on 28/05/1917
Pte EO Gerber - 70739 B Sqn 1/1st Berks Yeo Died of Wounds at Palestine on 28/11/1917
Pte G Gillett - 2058 B Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
LCpl OG Goddard - 1669 D Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte FW Goldswain - 2968 C Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Palestine on 21/11/1917
Major ES Gooch MiD - A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Died of Wounds at Gallipoli on 21/09/1915
LCpl AH Gosling - 1805 D Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 22/08/1915
Pte MG Green - 1991 D Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Egypt on 11/12/1915
Pte JH Habgood - 2012 D Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte CFC Harnack - 1648 101 Bn MGC Died of Wounds at France & Flanders on 30/08/1918
Pte FJ Harper - 2351 2/1st Berks Yeo Died at Home on
Pte JE Harper - 2044 B Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Sgt RR Harris - 1241 D Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte FW Hatch - 14284 1/1st Berks Yeo Died at Egypt on 29/05/1918
Sgt HW Hawes - 2876 1/1st Berks Yeo Died at Home at on 01/04/1905
Sgt LM Hawes - 949 A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Died of Wounds at Gallipoli on 25/08/1915
Pte EF Hayward - 2145 1/1st Berks Yeo Died at Egypt on 13/07/1915
Capt AH Headington - A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Palestine on 27/11/1917
2Lt RT Hewer - A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Palestine on 21/11/1917
Pte J Hewett - 2310 17th Bde MG Coy Died at Egypt on 22/10/1918
Sgt WJ Hickman - 332 D Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Died at Home on 20/08/1914
Pte HH Hiley - 1967 A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte HJ Hodges - 50109 att 9th Coy ICC 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Palestine on 01/05/1918
Sgt WJ Horne - 1176 B Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte GW How - 2053 D Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
LSgt AE Illman - 1787 A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Egypt on 11/12/1915
Pte HR James - 2052 B Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte HRH Jarman - 1726 B Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Died of Wounds at Gallipoli on 29/08/1915
LCpl HG Jefferies - 1681 A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Sgt JTP Jenkins - 1591 D Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte HH Jones - 1672 D Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Palestine on 24/08/1917
Pte FJ Josey - 1846 D Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Egypt on 11/12/1915
Pte GH Knowles - 2064 D Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte DW Leaver - 70781 1/1st Berks Yeo Died of Wounds at Palestine on 25/11/1917
Pte RJ Legg - 3170 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Palestine on 27/11/1917
RSM TJ Leicester - 70898 2/1st Berks Yeo Died at Home at Ireland on 31/03/1918
Pte GP Lewis - 2020 B Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
WO2 (SSM) J Liddle MiD Croix de Guerre - 70003 R.H.Q. 1/1st Berks Yeo Drowned at Egypt on 30/12/1917
Pte RN Lovegrove - 1673 D Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
LCpl CJD Martin - 2323 1/1st Berks Yeo Died of Wounds at Palestine on 01/05/1917
Pte F Martin - 2075 1/1st Berks Yeo Died of Wounds at Gallipoli on 25/08/1915
Pte FJ Martin - 2086 A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte JA Martin - 2878 17th Bde MG Coy Died at Palestine on 17/08/1918
Pte MJ Martin - 1839 D Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte WJB Martin - 1826 A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Egypt on 11/12/1915
Pte CW Matthews - 1663 B Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte SB Matthews - 70703 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Palestine on 28/11/1917
Pte N McDonald - 2335 B Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 14/09/1915
LCpl W McNeil - 2292 B Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte BJ Milham - 70757 1/1st Berks Yeo Died of Wounds at Palestine on 23/04/1917
Pte TCR Millar - 2070 2nd Coy ICC Died of Wounds at Palestine on 31/03/1918
Pte A Miller - 1799 101 Bn MGC Killed in Action at France & Flanders on 29/08/1918
Cpl J Moore - 1594 D Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
LSgt G Murley - 1654 B Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Died at Home on 05/11/1918
Sgt Farrier C Newall - 4446 1/1st Berks Yeo Died of Wounds at Palestine on 28/11/1917
LCpl JV Nicholson - 18094 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Palestine on 27/11/1917
Lt WEG Niven - B Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte FJ North - 2074 D Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Egypt on 11/12/1915
Sgt WF Oakey - 1234 D Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Died of Wounds at Gallipoli on 08/09/1915
Pte JW Odell - 1802 B Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Died of Disease at Egypt on 03/02/1916
Pte J Painter - 70691 Att 8th Coy ICC Died in Egypt at Palestine on 19/11/1917
Sgt F Palmer - 1274 B Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte FW Parker - 1780 D Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Died of Wounds at Gallipoli on 20/11/1915
Pte HW Parker - 1694 B Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte A Parsonage - 2212 A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte AW Partlett - 71258 101 Bn MGC Died of Wounds at France & Flanders on 08/06/1918
Pte AF Pearce - 2025 D Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte TH Pilcher - 1646 D Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Lt Col AM Pirie DSO - RHQ, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Palestine on 21/11/1917
Pte AH Price - 2166 A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Egypt on 11/12/1915
Pte J Proctor - 1825 A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Cpl RG Quelch - 1720 D Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Egypt on 11/12/1915
Pte WH Read - 1829 B Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
LCpl G Rennison - 29 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 22/08/1915
Pte AW Roberts - 71469 2/1st Berks Yeo Unknown at UK on 21/11/1918
Pte W Round - 70845 1/1st Berks Yeo Died of Wounds at Palestine on 08/12/1917
Sgt J Sammons - 70161 B Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Palestine on 29/11/1917
Sgt J Scouse - 70141 2/1st Berks Yeo Died at Home at Ireland on 11/10/1918
LSgt J Sell - 517 D Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Egypt on 11/12/1915
LSgt F Sherval - 70213 1/1st Berks Yeo Died of Disease at Home on 18/04/1918
Pte AJ Shipley - 70731 1/1st Berks Yeo Died of Wounds at Palestine on 01/12/1917
Pte R Shutler - 2194 B Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte RT Smith - 70706 Bde Sig Tp Killed in Action at Palestine on 29/11/1915
Pte T Stead - 15422 Berks Yeo died at Egypt on 27/05/1918
LCpl WE Sturgess - 809 B Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Died of Wounds at Gallipoli on 24/09/1915
2Lt WVR Sutton - A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Palestine on 13/11/1917
Pte G Swain - 70783 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Palestine on 19/11/1915
WJ Talbot - 1945 17th Bde MG Coy not known at Egypt on 22/11/1918
Capt WH Thomas MC & Bar - D Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Died of Wounds at Palestine on 28/11/1917
Pte HA Thorpe - 1775 A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Sgt H Waller - 1478 A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte WH Warden - 152923 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Palestine on 27/11/1917
Pte FB Webber - 2039 A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Died of Disease at Gallipoli on 20/09/1915
Pte HF Wescott - 2964 17th Bde MG Coy Died at Mesopotamia on 14/11/1918
Pte PJ Wheeler - 1770 A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Died of Wounds at Gallipoli on 19/08/1915
Pte HA Whitehead - 1834 D Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Palestine on 29/11/1917
Pte RW Willis - 3054 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Palestine on 27/11/1917
Pte TH Wilson - 2660 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Palestine on 29/11/1917
Sgt LC Winter - 1931 D Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
LCpl B Wiseman - 2349 D Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Cpl FT Woodcock - 1062 B Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte WJ Woodland - 70678 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Palestine on 27/11/1917
Pte GN Wooldridge - 2496 A Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Gallipoli on 21/08/1915
Pte J Workman - 95046 1/1st Berks Yeo Died at Egypt on 06/05/1918
PMN Wroughton - D Sqn, 1/1st Berks Yeo Killed in Action at Palestine on 19/04/1917

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